Personal yoga training

Improving Your yoga

You don't work on yourself alone

At Improving Yoga, we go far beyond standard yoga group classes. With a membership you can possibly use the entire Improving You offerings. So choose what suits you best. Just yoga or also strength or conditioning training with personal attention and professional guidance.

Your goal

Guaranteed to achieve your goals

Improving Yoga


Yoga is good for maintaining your flexibility and stability. You gain more balance and become physically and mentally stronger. 

Improving Yoga Utrecht

Getting stronger

Increase your muscle mass, improve your condition and become stronger and fitter. This will not only result in a beautiful body but also a clear mind. 

Yoga classes Improving Yoga

More energy

Live your most beautiful life and feel more powerful and energetic than ever before. Your new lifestyle will allow you to take on the world.

Improving Yoga Yoga Studio

Maintaining condition

Are you well on your way? We help you to maintain your positive lifestyle. We do this by motivating, assisting and inspiring you.

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You can expect

Yin Yoga

Yin yoga is a slow, soothing form of yoga. Asanas (postures) are held for an extended period of time. About three to five minutes, in reclining and seated poses. These postures focus on strengthening and loosening the muscles and deeper connective tissue. Because you sit in one position for a long time, the connective tissue is slowly stretched. During the postures there is a lot of attention to breathing in order to further release muscle tension. Yin yoga provides rest and relaxation. It reduces stress. In addition, it promotes blood circulation. In Yin yoga there is no 'goal', but an exercise to let go. Yin is good to combine with a Yang form, such as Hatha, Poweryoga or alongside your strength training.

Hatha Yoga

Hatha is perhaps the best-known form of yoga. During a class you hold the asanas, postures, for longer periods of time while focusing on the breath. In it you seek the balance between body and mind and try to find peace in both. A class usually has a balance of physically challenging poses, focusing on both strength and flexibility, as well as relaxing poses in which you have the opportunity to come closer to yourself. In addition, the bowels, circulation and joints also benefit from these postures. Hatha yoga provides more balance in the body, mind and energy.

Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa yoga is a dynamic form of yoga. Vinyasa is also known as Flow yoga: a coordination of a flow of certain postures on the movement of breathing. You move from one posture to another in a sequence, think surya namaskar (the sun salutation)
Also known as meditation through movement. Because of this constant movement, this form can be considered intensive and trains your endurance. The vinyasa gives rhythm to the exercise, maintains heat, builds strength in the upper body and acts as a counter posture to stretch the legs and return the spine to neutral for the next sequence.

Power Yoga

As the name suggests, this is a vigorous form of yoga where you are physically challenged. Both endurance and strength play a role here. During a power yoga class the focus is mainly on the physical aspect of yoga. This makes it perhaps the least 'floaty' form. By using muscles that they are not used to, or by using muscles in a different way than they are used to, the muscles are stimulated to become stronger and/or more flexible.

morning yoga

Morning Flow yoga

Yoga in the morning is an invigorating and refreshing way to start your day. It is a practice that stimulates both your body and mind and prepares you for the challenges and opportunities ahead.

Would you like to wake up calmly and come to movement with a flow of stillness? This class allows the body to start your day in a peaceful way. A peaceful class with a challenge here and there for every level.

short yoga classes

Lunch break yoga

In our busy and demanding world, it is easy to get caught up in the chaos of our daily tasks and responsibilities. Often we ignore the importance of taking a moment for ourselves, especially during our lunch break. But what if I told you that adding a short yoga session to your lunch routine could change your life?

Our lunch break yoga class is a short class that includes everything you need to give yourself a short break, perfect for a break during work or when you want a little reset. 

yoga improving yoga

Yoga for beginners

To do Yoga you do not have to be limber or strong at all, in fact Yoga is for every body and everyone. The yoga beginners class is especially for those who are interested in yoga but do not know where to start. There is more time for the postures, explanations and background. Also if you already have experience but want to deepen this class is fine.

Yoga for beginners
Improving Yoga Utrecht


Pilates is a workout method that emphasizes the deeper muscles, flexibility, balance, coordination and posture. The exercises focus mainly on the core which is strengthened through controlled movements. 


Success story

Very happy that I ended up at Improving Yoga. The atmosphere is fantastic as is the guidance. Together we set personal goals in which you are challenged to reach a higher level each time.


Member since 2020